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Personal Injury Attorney Clovis

Attorney Dhanjan in front of court

Things to Know Now

Attorney Dhanjan in front of court

Common Causes of Personal Injuries in Clovis

Clovis, like any other community, has its own set of common causes for personal injuries which our attorneys can help you with. These include:

Motor Vehicle Accidents:

Car accidents, truck collisions, and motorcycle crashes are prevalent causes of personal injuries in Clovis. Factors such as distracted driving, speeding, drunk driving, or failure to obey traffic laws contribute to these accidents.

Slip and Fall Accidents:

Slip and fall incidents can occur in various locations, including workplaces, grocery stores, or public spaces in Clovis. Hazards like wet floors, uneven surfaces, inadequate lighting, or lack of warning signs can lead to severe injuries.

Workplace Accidents:

Clovis has a diverse range of industries, and workplace accidents can happen due to various reasons. These may include unsafe working conditions, lack of proper training, faulty equipment, or employer negligence.

Dog Bites:

Dog attacks can cause significant physical and emotional harm. In Clovis, dog owners have a responsibility to control their pets and prevent them from causing injuries. When owners fail to do so, they may be held liable for the damages caused by their dogs.

Understanding the Tort of Negligence:

Negligence is a legal concept that plays a crucial role in personal injury cases. It involves establishing four key elements: duty, breach, causation, and damages. Duty refers to the legal obligation one person owes to another. Breach occurs when someone fails to fulfill their duty of care. Causation establishes a direct link between the breach of duty and the resulting injuries. Damages refer to the harm or losses suffered by the injured party.

For a more comprehensive understanding of negligence, you can refer to the following resource: Cornell Law School’s explanation of negligence.

Car crashed into parked car needing personal injury attorney Clovis

What are common personal injuries in Clovis?

In Clovis, personal injury cases arise from various accidents, leading to a spectrum of injuries. Understanding these common injuries can inform your next steps:

Head Injuries

Including concussions and more severe brain trauma.

Neck and Back Injuries

Ranging from whiplash to significant spinal cord damage.

Facial Injuries

Encompassing dental fractures to more extensive facial trauma.

Upper Body Injuries

Such as clavicle fractures and hand injuries.

Lower Body Injuries

Including knee pain, which can significantly impact mobility.

Surface Injuries

Like road rash, which can lead to infection or scarring.

Severe Trauma

Entailing burns, loss of limbs, and internal bleeding.

Bone Injuries

Covering the spectrum from simple breaks to compound fractures.

After experiencing such injuries, reaching out to a Clovis personal injury attorney can be a decisive step towards recovery. A Clovis personal injury lawyer can help navigate the claims process, aiming to secure compensation for the injury and associated losses. Our attorneys understand the physical, emotional, and financial tolls of personal injuries and strive to offer compassionate and comprehensive legal support.

Clovis Personal Injury: Next Steps

Experiencing a personal injury in Clovis can be both distressing and overwhelming. To effectively manage this situation, consider the following steps:


Seek Medical Attention:

Prioritize your health and well-being. Immediately seek medical attention for your injuries, regardless of their initial appearance. Timely medical care is crucial for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and documentation of your injuries.


Report the Incident:

If your injury occurred at a specific location or due to someone’s actions in Clovis, report it to the relevant authority. For workplace injuries, notify your supervisor or HR department. If it happened on public property, inform the property owner or manager. This reporting creates an official record of the event.


Gather Evidence:

Collect as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This may include photos of the accident scene, witness statements, and any relevant documents or records. Such evidence is vital for establishing liability and demonstrating the extent of your injuries.


Consult a Clovis Personal Injury Attorney:

Seek advice from a reputable personal injury attorney in Clovis. They can offer legal advice, assess your claim, and guide you through the legal process. They will also handle communications with insurance companies and negotiate for a fair settlement on your behalf.


Document Expenses and Losses:

Keep a detailed record of all medical expenses, including visits to healthcare providers, medication costs, and rehabilitation. Also, document any lost wages or income due to the injury. These records are essential for calculating potential compensation.


File an Insurance Claim:

Notify your insurance company about the incident and file a claim. Provide them with all necessary information and documentation related to your injury. Exercise caution when speaking with insurance adjusters and consult your attorney before accepting any settlements.


Follow Medical Advice:

Adhere strictly to the instructions from your healthcare provider and attend all follow-up appointments. This ensures proper recovery and provides a documented medical history of your injuries.


Preserve Evidence of Damages:

Maintain all receipts, invoices, and bills related to your injury and subsequent costs. This includes medical bills and expenses for any accommodations or modifications needed due to your injury.


Remember, every personal injury case in Clovis is unique. The specific steps you need to take may vary, so consulting with a personal injury attorney will offer you guidance tailored to your situation.

Insurance Coverage for Personal Injury in Clovis

Senior male and female drivers get out of cars finding personal injury attorney Clovis

In Clovis, understanding which insurance will cover your personal injury is essential for navigating the aftermath of an accident. California is an “at-fault” state, meaning the party responsible for causing the accident is liable for compensating the victim’s injuries and damages. Here’s a breakdown of how insurance coverages might apply in the case of a personal injury:


3rd Party Liability Insurance:

This coverage is crucial as it covers property damage and injuries caused by the at-fault party. If someone else is responsible for your accident, their liability insurance will typically cover your medical expenses and property damages.


1st Party Comprehensive Coverage:

Often referred to as full coverage, this type of insurance covers the value of your vehicle’s property damage if it’s included in your insurance policy. It’s a vital consideration if you’re the owner of the damaged vehicle.


Medical Payments Coverage (Med Pay):

Med Pay is a feature in some auto insurance policies that usually pays up to $5,000 towards your medical bills, irrespective of who is at fault.


2nd Party Liability:

If you were a passenger in a vehicle involved in an accident, the driver’s liability coverage would typically be responsible for covering your injuries.


Health Insurance:

Your health insurance will cover the medical bills while you’re receiving treatment. It’s an essential source of coverage for managing treatment costs.


Underinsured and Uninsured Motorist Coverage:

This coverage becomes relevant when the at-fault party’s insurance is insufficient or nonexistent. It provides a safety net to ensure you are not left covering all the costs.


If you find yourself navigating this complex scenario, consulting with a Clovis personal injury lawyer can be very beneficial. They can help you understand your rights and the nuances of your insurance coverages, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. Each case is unique, and specific coverages depend on the details of the insurance policies involved.

Damages Eligible for Recovery in Clovis Injury Cases

In Clovis, understanding recoverable damages in personal injury cases is essential. You may have had to visit the Clovis Community Hospital and are now trying to figure out how to pay your bills. If you’re considering legal action, here’s an informative guide to help you navigate the process:


Special Damages (Economic Damages)

These are tangible financial losses resulting from the injury:


Past Medical Bills:

Costs for medical care already received.


Future Medical Bills:

Estimated expenses for ongoing medical treatment.


Repair Costs for Damaged Property:

If your property was affected, this includes repair or replacement costs.


Lost Wages:

Compensation for income lost due to the injury.


Out-of-Pocket Expenses:

Other expenses directly related to the injury. It’s crucial to keep all receipts for these claims.


General Damages (Non-Economic Damages)

These cover the intangible impacts of an injury:


Pain and Suffering:

This compensates for physical pain and emotional trauma. For more insights, check out Forbes on economic and non-economic damages.


Punitive Damages

In certain cases, punitive damages may be awarded to penalize the wrongdoer, especially in instances of severe negligence or intentional misconduct.


Working with a Clovis personal injury attorney can significantly aid in understanding and claiming these damages. While Clovis personal injury lawyers offer professional guidance, being informed about these damages yourself is beneficial. Whether you’re actively pursuing a claim or just exploring your legal options, this knowledge is key to navigating the personal injury landscape in Clovis.

Clovis Lawyers Proficient in Handling Various Cases

Clovis Injury Lawsuit Deadline - What's the Time Limit?

If you’re dealing with the impact of an injury in Clovis, understanding your legal time frame to act is crucial:


Clovis Statute of Limitations:

A Clovis personal injury attorney should be contacted within 2 years from the injury date to ensure your case is validly filed within California’s legal deadline.


Property Damage Cases:

In Clovis, if there’s property damage involved, injury lawyers can help file a claim within a 3-year timeframe, which provides a longer window compared to injury cases.


Claims Against Government Entities:

For cases involving governmental entities in Clovis, the timeframe to file a claim can be significantly shorter. Securing a Clovis personal injury lawyer promptly is key.


Legal Guidance:

Detailed filing information is available on the California Courts website, which can be referenced here.


Engaging with experienced Clovis attorneys soon after your injury can provide clarity on these timelines and the necessary steps to take following your injury. Acting promptly ensures your right to compensation is preserved so that you do not miss any Clovis injury lawsuit deadline.

Injury Law book and a black desk at personal injury attorney Clovis

Let's get started with your case today

From car collisions resulting in whiplash and concussions to slip-and-fall incidents causing fractures and soft tissue damage, the repercussions can be significant. Our Clovis personal injury lawyer is essential in navigating the claims process for these injuries and can help you do so in Punjabi, Hindi, Spanish, and Urdu. Whether it’s road rash from a cycling accident or a spinal cord injury from a slip and fall incident, a seasoned attorney can guide you through the complex landscape of personal injury law. Dedicated Clovis personal injury attorneys work diligently to ensure victims receive the compensation they need for recovery. To find out how much you can recover, reach out to our Personal Injury Attorney Clovis Department now.